Model For Increasing Purchase Decision At Nail Art Studios In Purwokerto
The digitalization of commerce has significantly transformed consumer purchasing behavior, shifting predominantly towards online platforms. This shift compels marketers to adapt their strategies, particularly through social media, the largest platform utilized globally. Therefore, this research examines the impact of Social Media Marketing, Viral Marketing, and Brand Awareness on Purchase Decisions. The sample comprised 117 respondents who are Instagram followers of Nail Art Studios in Purwokerto. This quantitative survey research used non-probability purposive sampling and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with PLS software. Results indicate that (1) social media marketing positively influences purchase decisions, (2) viral marketing does not influence purchase decisions, (3) social media marketing positively influences brand awareness, (4) viral marketing positively influences brand awareness, and (5) brand awareness positively influences purchase decisions. The findings suggest that Nail Art Studios in Purwokerto can boost revenue by enhancing their social media presence and branding efforts to influence purchase decisions.
Keywords: Social Media Marketing, Viral Marketing, Brand Awareness, Purchase Decision, Nail Art Studio.
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