The Effect Of Happiness At Workplace, Openness To Experience, And Love Of Money For Innovative Work Behavior In The Office Area Of Directorate General Of Treasury Of Central Java
This study aims to examine the influence of happiness at workplace, openness to experience, and love of money on innovative work behavior in employees of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury of Central Java. This study uses a quantitative approach using a questionnaire as a data collection technique. The population in this study is 72 employees. The method used for sampling is using the slovin formula which will be tested using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) software. This study found that openness to experience has a positive and significant effect on innovative work behavior. Unexpectedly, this study showed a negative and insignificant relationship between happiness at work and innovative work behavior in the Central Java DJPb regional office. In addition, this study shows that love for money has a positive but not significant effect on innovative work behavior. The findings of this study provide managerial implications about the importance of improving innovative work behavior of employees.
Keywords: Innovative Work Behavior, Happiness at Workplace, Openness to Experience, Love of Money, DJPb Central Java.
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