How Content Marketing Influence Purchase Decision Through Customer Engagement As A Mediating Variable: Study On Local Coffee Shops In Purwokerto Area


  • Aubrey Zuardi
  • Tiladela Luhita
  • Monica Rosiana
  • Hasan Fauzi


This study aims to analyze the mediating role of Customer Engagement in the influence of Content Marketing on Purchase Decisions. In this study, the sample used was 118 respondents who were customers of local coffee shops in Purwokerto. This research is a type of survey research with a quantitative approach and the sampling method uses non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of research conducted using Simple Linear Regression techniques processed with IBM SPSS 24 software, the results showed that: (1) Content marketing has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions; (2) Content marketing has a significant positive effect on customer engagement; (3) Customer engagement has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions; (4) Customer engagement mediates the relationship between content marketing and purchasing decisions. Based on these results, coffee shops in Purwokerto need to pay attention to efficient and inclusive content marketing through social media. Content marketing carried out must be done through social media that is relevant and popularly used by the public such as Instagram and Tik-Tok so that coffee shops can optimally increase customer engagement which will have an impact on increasing purchasing decisions so that coffee shops' turnover can increase properly.

Keywords: Costumer Engagement, Content Marketing, Purchase Decisions, Coffee Shops.



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