The Role Of Compensation In Retaining Employees: A Study Of Mediation Through Job Satisfaction In Generation Z In MSMEs
The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of compensation on employee retention and turnover intention with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. This research uses a quantitative approach method. The population in this study were generation Z employees at FnB MSMEs in Purwokerto using a saturated sampling method. The number of respondents used in this research was 74 employees with data collection tools using a questionnaire distributed via Google Form. The data collection technique uses a 1-5 Likert scale. The data analysis method in this research uses SEM-PLS. The research results prove that there is a positive influence of Compensation on Employee Retention, there is a negative influence of Compensation on Turnover Intention, there is a positive influence of Compensation on Job Satisfaction, there is a positive influence of Compensation on Employee Retention through Job Satisfaction, and there is a negative influence of Compensation on Turnover Intention through Job Satisfaction for Generation Z employees at FnB MSMEs in the Purwokerto Area.
Keywords: Compensation, Job Satisfaction, Employee Retention, Turnover Intention, Generation Z Employees at FnB MSMEs in Purwokerto
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