The Influence Of Financial Literacy And Financial Stress On Financial Well-Being In Msmes In Banyumas With Financial Behaviour As A Mediation Variable
This research aims to analyze the influence of financial literacy and financial stress on financial well-being with financial behaviour as a mediating variable. The dependent variable used in this research is financial well-being, the independent variable consists of financial literacy and financial stress, and the mediating variable is financial behaviour. The type of research in this research is quantitative research using a questionnaire method. The population in this research is MSME owners in Banyumas Regency. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling which is based on several criteria. The sample size was 110 MSME owners. The data analysis techniques used are evaluation of the measurement model (outer model), evaluation of the structural model (inner model), and hypothesis testing. The research results show that financial literacy has a positive effect on financial well-being, financial literacy has a positive effect on financial behaviour, financial behaviour has a positive effect on financial well-being, financial behaviour mediates the effect of financial literacy on financial well-being, financial stress has no effect on financial well-being, financial stress has a positive effect on financial behaviour, and financial behaviour does not mediate the effect of financial stress on financial well-being.
Keywords: Financial Well-Being, Financial Literacy, Financial Stress, Financial Behaviour
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