The Effect Of Inflation, Equity, Regional Loan On Fiscal Capacity In Banyumas


  • Anisa Firzanah
  • Suharno Suharno
  • Indrawan Firdauzi
  • Bagus Ardiannova


The decreasing number of Regional Fiscal Capacity Index from year to year proves that the contribution of regional fiscal independence is still relatively low. This study aims to analyse the effect of inflation, equity participation, and regional loan receipts in the short and long term on regional fiscal capacity in Banyumas Regency. The analysis method used is Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL). The data used is time series data of Banyumas Regency during the period 2009-2023. The results showed that inflation has a negative and significant effect on regional fiscal capacity in the short term but has no effect on fiscal capacity in the long term. Capital participation has a positive and significant effect on regional fiscal capacity in the short term and in the long term, while the receipt of regional loans has a significant negative effect in the short term but in the long term has no effect on fiscal capacity. This study still uses limited years and variables. Therefore, future research can add other years and variables.

Keywords: Inflation, Equity Partcipation, Regional Loan Receipts, and Fiscal Capacity


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