Comparison Of Production And Net Income Of Farmers Before And After The Existence Of Rice Mina Farming In Panembangan Village Cilongok Sub-District Banyumas Regency


  • Akbar Eza Alfianto
  • Pahrul Fauzi
  • Dwita Aprillia Floresti
  • M. Wahid Hasyim


Rice mina, a farming system that combines rice and fish in one field, comes as an innovative solution to address the conversion of agricultural land and increase rice production, thus ensuring national food security. Although this system offers high potential, such as optimal land utilization, increased income, and environmental sustainability, its application in Panembangan Village is still minimal. This study aims to determine the comparison of production and net income of farmers before and after the implementation of the rice mina farming system in Panembangan Village. The research method used in this study is descriptive quantitative method with data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires and interviews to rice mina farmers in the village. The number of samples that became respondents as many as 30 rice mina farmers in Panembangan Village. The data obtained were analyzed using shapiro wilk normality test and wilcoxon signed ranks test. The results showed that the average rice production before rice mina was only 1,652.23 kg/growing season, while after rice mina it increased to 1,794 kg/growing season. In addition, there was an additional fish production of 255.87 kg/growing season. Then, before implementing rice mina, the average net income of farmers per growing season was only Rp8,850,116. However, after rice mina was implemented, farmers' net income increased significantly to Rp14,872,036 per growing season. The results of this study show that rice mina is able to improve the welfare of farmers in Panembangan Village. The implications of these findings suggest that farmers should further strengthen cooperation among rice mina farmers in the cultivation process in order to continue to increase production yields and net income of Panembangan Village farmers. Then, the government should provide direct assistance in the implementation of the rice mina program carried out by Panembangan Village farmers in order to comply with the principles of sustainable rice mina.

Keywords: Rice Mina, Production, Net Income, Food Security


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