Creativepreneurship: The Role Of Creativity And Digital Innovation Orientation In Enhancing The Performance Of Creative Businesses Through Product Innovation, Process Innovation, And Marketing Innovation (A Study On Creative Smes In Banyumas Regency)


  • Siti Alifah
  • Weni Novandari
  • Lusi Suwandari
  • Tri Wibowo


The rapidly growing creative economy MSME sector provides challenges in the form of how to maintain and improve business performance for MSME entrepreneurs in the sector. This study aims to determine the role of entrepreneurial creativity, digital innovation orientation on creative business performance with product innovation, process innovation and marketing innovation as mediating variables. The focus is on analyzing the impact of developing creative ideas integrated with the use of digital technology and implementing them into innovations on business performance.  This study examines the perceptions of MSME entrepreneurs in the creative economy sector using 92 MSME units in Banyumas Regency as respondents by distributing questionnaires. This study applies quantitative methods and uses the PLS-SEM data analysis method. This research found that digital innovation orientation influences product innovation, process innovation and marketing innovation. However, there was no influence of entrepreneurial creativity on these three innovations. Apart from that, product innovation, process innovation, and marketing innovation also have no effect on creative business performance and fail to mediate the influence of the relationship between entrepreneurial creativity and digital innovation orientation on creative business performance.

Keywords: Performance of SMEs, Creativity, Digital Innovation Orientation, Innovation


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