Antecedent Of Consumer Preference On Eco – Friendly Packaging Of Food Seasoning
Current consumer knowledge on packaging have increased, consumers tend looking for eco – friendly packaging due to environmental issues, as well as a preference for recyclable of food packaging materials. This aim of this study is to provide broad information about consumers’ perception of Eco-friendly food seasoning packaging materials. Thus, this study investigates the awareness of Eco-Friendly packaging and to identify the factors which influence consumers to purchase eco-friendly packaging based on the traditional theory of planned behaviour. Findings from this study develop a conceptual model of consumer purchase intention on eco-friendly packaging. A Focus Group Discussion with house wife and small medium enterprises group segment of respondent was conducted. Findings from the study showed all respondents agreed with the conception of eco-friendly food seasoning packaging. The conceptual model developed of consumers’ purchase intention of eco-friendly packaging was influenced by packaging design, quality, price and consumer attitude on eco-friendly packaging.
Keywords: Eco-Friendly Packaging, Consumer attitude, Purchase Intention
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