The Benefit of SME Online Promotion Strategy for Renew Product in New Era


  • Alias Tri Nawarini Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Intan Shaferi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman



In this new era, digital platform rise up as one of the solution to conquer the uncertainty condition. The used of digital platform through online media helps the promotion of a product safer and cheaper. This benefit be as one of the solution to rise up the economics after COVID-19 came and drop out the dynamicity of economy, especially for SMEs. So that, the online promotion as strategy can helps the product know worbldwide and the information accepted by the consumers.

This research aims to know the used of online promotion on perceived value. This study conduct in SMEs as part of the most affected sector during COVID-19 pandemic. Sample is 50 SMEs that used online promotion. Method used in the research is partial least square. This result contribute to the effect of online promotion in order to get the solution for SMEs to push the sell and get the better perform in the new era.

Keywords: online promotion, promotion strategy, renew product, perceived value, SME.


