The Decision Of Coconut Sugar Producers In Taking People Business Credit At Bank Rakyat Indonesia
This study estimates the influence of the variable interest rate, credit procedure, and business location on the coconut sugar producers’s decision to take credit at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Cilongok Unit. This research is a quantitative research, using logistic regression analysis.
The population in this study were all coconut sugar producers in Pageraji Village, Cilongok Sub-district who had already taken credit and or are currently taking credit at BRI Cilongok Unit. The number of samples used in this study were 60 respondents with sampling using the snowball technique.
Based on the results of the research and data analysis using logistic regression analysis, it shows that first, interest rate has a positive and significant effect on the coconut sugar producers's decision to take credit at BRI. Second, credit procedure has no effect on the coconut sugar producers's decision to take credit at BRI. Third, business location has a positive and significant effect on the coconut sugar producers's decision to take credit at BRI.
The implications of the above conclusions relating to interest rate in this study should be in charging interest rates to customers, BRI Cilongok Unit as best as possible provides relatively affordable interest rates, but must still pay attention to the government regulations that have been set. Meanwhile, for the location of the business, it is recommended that BRI must maintain the security and convenience of customers.
Keywords : Interest Rate, Credit Procedure, Business Location, Decision to Take Credit, Coconut Sugar Producers