The Effect of Event Image on Revisit Intention with Perceived Value as a Mediating Variable
Tourism is one of the government's strengths to create economic growth. Indonesia is one of the countries that prioritize tourism as a source of income. Sports tourism marketing is one of the many strategies to increase tourist attendance. This research aimed to determine the effect of event image on the intention to revisit with the perceived value as a mediating variable. The proposed research model is based on the use of stimulus organism theory (SOR). This research uses the Tour de Borobudur participant event as a case to verify the relationship in the proposed model. Data were collected by conducting an online survey questionnaire to 138 respondents and analyzed using PLS. The results of this research show that event image has a positive effect on revisit intention. The perceived value variable plays a role in mediating the relationship between event image and revisit intention.
Keywords: Event Image; Revisit Intention; Perceived Value; Sports Tourism Marketing
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