The Effect Of Brand Image And E-Service Quality On Customer Loyality With Customer Satisfaction As A Mediation Variable (Study On Gopay E-Payment Users For Food And Beverages In Subang)


  • Devy Apriandi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Aisyah Ruhil Amani STIESA
  • Kuncorosidi Kuncorosidi STIESA


The rapid development of technology has triggered changes in the behavior and lifestyle of people who want something to be done instantly. This has an impact on the company because of the fierce competition and requires companies to develop strategies so that they can compete and survive by utilizing technological developments that occur, one of which is the electronic payment system.

This research was conducted to determine the influence of Brand Image and E-Service Quality on customer loyality through customer satisfaction as mediation (case study of Gopay e-payment users for manakan payments and beverages by delivery). This study used a descriptive method with an explanatory survey. The data used were primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires online to 100 respondents with purposive sampling techniques, and secondary data from several books, research journals, and internet media.

The results showed that perasially (t-test) the variables of Brand Image and E-Service Quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Then the variables of Brand Image and E-Service Quality have a direct and significant effect on customer loyality. Based on the results of the path analysis, it shows that customer satisfaction variables can mediate Brand Image and E-Service Quality to customer loyality. Simultaneous results (test f) show that the variables of Brand Image and E-Service Quality have an indirect effect on customer loyality through customer satisfaction.

Keywords: Brand Image, E-Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyality.


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