The Role of Self Congruity on The Effect to Brand Equity on Brand Preference (Study of IT Telkom Purwokerto)
Finding an ideal university considered as a difficult process because it will involve students’ identity and conformity. This research was conducted to examine the role of self congruity on the brand preference that moderated by brand awareness, brand association, and perceived quality. The research was conducted in IT Telkom Purwokerto to measure how students prefer this brand. The result showed that self congruity had a significant influence on brand preference moderated by brand equity. All variables were statistically tested and had a significant path. Brand equity would be influenced by students’ self concept and conformity where this state would lead them to create their consideration on the brand equity. By this brand equity, students would explore what university’s brand is relevant and ideal to their self concept and identity. This research found and underlined that self congruity had a significant influence on brand preference moderated by brand awareness, brand association, and perceived quality.
Keywords: Self Congruity; Brand Awareness; Brand Association; Perceived Quality; Brand Preference.
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