Understanding the Culture-Based Tourist Personality in Building Memorable Based Tourism Experience And Improve Tourist Revisit Intention With Pentagon Tourism Identity As Moderating Variable


  • Surtini Surtini Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Sudarto Sudarto Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Lusi Suwandari Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


Natural tourism that relied on nature-based tourism was not enough as a reason for tourists to revisit intention. Tourism managers should have innovation and novelty to create a memorable tourism experience (MTE). As a result, understanding factors which influence MTE is essential for tourism managers. This study proposed culture-based tourist personality (CTP) as a new factor influencing MTE due to self- congruency theory and Hofstede dimension culture theory. This study used structural equation modelling to examine the proposed model on 259 samples. This study provided curvilinear projection in 2D and 3D visualization to describe the moderating role of pentagon tourism identity. We separated culture-based tourism personality into five dimension to show more comprehensive about the role of each culture dimension on influencing MTE and revisit intention. In the same time, this technique would be a robustness test in this study. The findings showed that CTP positively affect MTE and tourist revisit intention. MTE positively affect revisit intention. Pentagon tourism identity significantly moderated the relationship between CTP to revisit intention. Lastly, pentagon tourism identity has U-shape non-linear moderating role.

Keywords: Culture-Based Tourist Personality; Memorable Tourism Experience; Pentagon Tourism Identity; Revisit Intention.


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