Digital Financial Literacy Education Model for Batik MSMEs in Banyumas Regency
This study aims to design an appropriate educational model following the characteristics of Batik SMEs in Banyumas related to digital financial literacy. This is based on the finding that the results of training on financial literacy and the introduction of digital financial products have not been well absorbed by Batik MSMEs. It is evident from the 23 Batik MSMEs in Banyumas. They are members of the Berkah Rindang Kinasih Cooperative which are the research targets, that as many as 5 MSMEs or 21.7% have utilized digital financial products. This Educational Model is designed using the Four-D model development model. Data collection techniques in this study were through observation, interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and documents. The resulting model emphasizes the re-planning of training duration, training atmosphere, training methods, and the existence of intensive and continuous assistance after training.
Keywords: Model, Education, Digital Financial Literacy
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