Increasing The Economic Value of Cardamom Spices As A Business Development Strategy


  • Intan Shaferi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Alisa Tri Nawarini Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Rio Dhani Laksana Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


A product will have a high selling value if it has economic value that can provide benefits and satisfaction for the community. Business development with great potential is very important, especially during the Covid-19 period where many businesses were destroyed but some businesses had the opportunity to be developed. Cardamom spice is a useful spice that is widely sought after and used as an alternative way to maintain health naturally other than as a spice. By identifying consumer needs and providing more benefits from the use of cardamom, it is hoped that it will have an influence on the economic value of cardamom. A business development strategy is carried out to address how this business develops. By using interview, observation, and focus group discussion methods to identify and then develop a marketing strategy, it is hoped that in the future it will contribute to the processing of cardamom products.

Keywords: Economic Value, Cardamom, Business Development Strategy.


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