The Influence Of Return On Assets (Roa), Debt To Equity Ratio (Der), And Current Ratio (Cr) On Stock Return On Cyclical Sector Companies Listed On The Idx In 2018-2020
This study aims to determine the effect of return on assets, debt to equity ratio, and current ratio on stock returns using the cyclical sector of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2019 to 2020. The approach in this study uses the quantitative method. The sample is purposive sampling, and after being applied, it produces 115 company samples. The analytical methods used include descriptive statistical tests, classical assumption tests, regression analysis tests, regression model tests (F test and R^2 test), hypothesis testing (t-test), and outlier tests. The data is processed using the SPSS 26 application for windows. The results of research and data analysis using the SPSS 26 application show that: (1) Return on Assets has a significant positive effect on stock returns, (2) Debt to Equity Ratio has no effect on stock returns, (3) Current Ratio has a negative effect on stock returns. This research implies that several things can be considered for investors and other companies to determine the stock returns generated in the cyclical consumer sector. The thing that needs to be considered for investors and companies is that companies with high returns on assets in good conditions will make the resulting stock returns higher
Keywords: Return On Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio, Current Ratio
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