The Effect of Tuberculosis Treatment Service Quality on Patient Medication Adherence in Kartini General Hospital with Patient Satisfaction as Mediation Variable


  • Mely Sari Suryani Banjarnahor Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Agus Suroso Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Eman Sutrisna Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


Satisfied patients are more likely to reuse health services, comply with medical care, and continue treatment with a healthcare provider. Limited information about the quality of tuberculosis (TB) service delivery in private health facilities and its association with patient adherence to TB treatment is known. Much of the current research focuses on assessing adherence by looking at personal factors (patients) and still lacks looking at the challenges faced by health workers and healthcare providers. At the Kalirejo Kartini Kalirejo Hospital in 2021, there are still 13 TB patients who have dropped out of treatment, and the patient satisfaction rate did not meet the standards in 2021 by 55%. Therefore, this study aims to assess the effect of the quality of tuberculosis treatment services on patient medication adherence at Kartini Kalirejo Hospital with patient satisfaction as a mediation variable. This study used a quantitative-based cross- sectional design, the population reached was patients who used the services of the tuberculosis department at Kartini General Hospital in September 2022. The sampling technique was non-probability sampling, 40 samples were selected using the purposive sampling method. To determine the direct and indirect relationship between these variables, then the data were analyzed using regression analysis with the Sobel test through SPSS. The results showed that the quality of TB treatment services had a positive effect on patient adherence and patient satisfaction. While patient satisfaction has a positive effect on patient adherence. The indirect effect of the quality of TB treatment services on patients’ adherence through patient satisfaction is mediated absolutely.

Keywords: Service Quality, Patient Satisfaction, Adherence, Tuberculosis Treatment


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