Electronic Word Of Mouth (E-WOM) Of Hospital Marketing
Background : Health Promotion is a community-empowerment approach via educating, influencing, and assisting the community in actively promoting behavior and environmental change, as well as maintaining and enhancing health to achieve an optimum level of health. Electronic word of mouth is a comment made by existing, prospective, or former customers about a product or business accessible to individuals and institutions over the internet. Objectives: This study aims to (1) To find out respondents' responses about the application of electronic word of mouth in hospitals, (2) To find out whether information from social networking sites can help consumers share experiences about hospitals (3) To find out how much influence electronic word of mouth has on patient visits in hospitals. Methods: This study used quantitative research methods, and The sample size for this research was 100 individuals. Conclusion: based on the findings of this research, electronic word-of-mouth is one of the still-relevant marketing tactics employed today to promote items or services, including hospitals.
Keywords: electronic wordofmouth;electronic wordofmouth promotion; Hospital.
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