The Effect of Desire To Switch Job, Compensation, Career Development And The Work Environment Of Nurses At The Purbowangi Gombong Hospital


  • Romadoniyah Romadoniyah Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Ratno Purnomo Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Rio Dhani Laksana Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


The background of the research explains the intention to switch employment, Compensation, career growth, and work environment of nurses at Purbowangi Gombong General Hospital. The number of turnover occurrences at one of Kebumen's hospitals is relatively high. Multiple factors contribute to employee turnover, including the desire to switch employment, inadequate salary, unclear career options, and a hostile work environment. The Prior study had demonstrated that the large number of nurses quitting the workforce remained a challenge for hospital administration. This study aims to describe the desire of nurses at Purbowangi Gombong General Hospital to change employment, compensation, career growth, and their work environment. The research methodology used a quantitative descriptive design to find a picture of the desire to move jobs, compensation, career development, and the nurse's work environment. The method of data collection used the method of surveying using questionnaires. The number of research samples was 42 nurses taken using a simple random sampling technique. The results indicate that nurses have a strong desire to change jobs (54.8%) due to high compensation (50%), limited employment growth (57.1%), and an unpleasant working environment (52.4%). Conclusion This study suggests that nurses have a high level of employment desire, a lack of career growth opportunities, and an unpleasant work environment. Analysis of factors affecting the intention to leave Purbowang Gombong Hospital is the subject of suggestions for further study.

Keywords: Intention to move, career development, compensation, nurse’s work environment.


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