The Effect Of Investment Knowledge, Risk Perception, Return Perception And Technology Advancement On Student Investment Interest
This study aims to analyze the effect of investment knowledge, risk perception, return perception and technological advancement on student investment interest. The research population is students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Unsoed batch 2018 and 2019, with a total of 102 student respondents who were selected using the proportional sampling technique. The data analysis technique in this study used multiple linear regression. The results of the study concluded that; (1) investment knowledge has a positive effect on student investment interest; (2) risk perception has a negative effect on student investment interest; (3) the perception of return has a positive effect on student investment interest; (4) technological advances have a positive effect on student investment interest. The implication of this research is the need to educate students on the importance of investing, through training, seminars, capital market schools or other activities to increase students' understanding and awareness of the importance of investing.
Keywords: Investment knowledge, Risk perception, Return perception, Technological advancement, Investment interest.
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