Product Launch Proficiency to The New Product Development In SMEs Banyumas Through the Collaborator Bonding Power

Lusi Suwandari, Larisa Pradisti, Chandra Suparno, Asmi Ayuning Hidayah


The importance of product launches on new product performance is very important for MSMEs because. Product innovation helps MSMEs adapt to changes in markets, technology and competition. Critical concepts regarding new product launch proficiency (Product Launch Proficiency) is important in achieving the performance of the company's new products, through the innovation process. There are inconsistencies in research results between the construct of new product launch proficiency (Product Launch Proficiency) with new product performance (New Product Performance). Human Resources

What MSMEs have, is still limited to helping in the production process, not yet in the area where it can be done provide more thought regarding new product launch strategies. One of the strategies in what MSMEs can offer in successful product performance is managing intra and network relationships intra-company has long been recognized as a means by which companies innovate, create value, and build competitive advantage or the strength of collaborative ties (Collaborator Bonding Power). The established network partners will strengthen the launch process new product.

This research uses 1ariab Structural Equation Modeling analysis which is used for examine how big the relationship between variables is. The benefits of this research can be used as reference material, input material for the Banyumas Regional Government and knowledge for MSMEs especially the food, beverage, fashion and other industries in the District. Banyumas to improve new product launch skills in an effort to improve the performance of new products. 

Keywords:Product Launch Proficiency, Collaborator Bonding Power, New Product

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