A Meta-Analysis Of Research On Intention To Use Information Technology (SIMRS) In Hospitals


  • Devia Shinta Mulia Asih
  • Siti Zulaikha Wulandari
  • Eman Sutrisna


This study aims to explore the intention to use Information Technology (SIMRS) in the Hospital, using the Systematic Literature Review method. Through an analysis of ten relevant journals, several important findings were found related to technology acceptance among nurses and hospital staff. First, the level of acceptance of information systems such as Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and SIMRS is influenced by the factors of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, which is in line with the TAM model. Second, user behavior is influenced by ease of access, availability of services, and positive attitudes towards technology. In addition, social aspects, such as trust and privacy issues, also influence eHealth acceptance. Third, the implementation of new technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data improves the quality of health services, while national cultural values ​​such as masculinity and uncertainty play an important role in the adoption process. These findings demonstrate the importance of contextual understanding in the implementation of health technology to maximize its acceptance and effectiveness in the hospital environment.

Keyword : Intention To Use, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), SIMRS, Implementation


