Social Media Marketing Activity Impact on Repurchase Intention for PNM Investment Management’s (PNM IM) Open-Ended Mutual Fund Products
The rapid development of technology from era to era brings changes in how a product is marketed to consumers. Social media is a powerful marketing tool in today’s digital age. Social media can be the best choice for marketing, but it all depends on the business needs and target audience of a particular social media. PNM Investment Management is a subsidiary of PT Permodalan Nasional Madani. PNM IM uses social media as a form of marketing all open-end mutual funds product and mutual funds managed. Social media platforms have information overload, where audiences are bombarded with tons of content every day. There is too much information competing for attention, audiences may struggle to process and lead to low engagement. Quality of both products and services has a tremendous impact on variations in repurchase intention. The better perceived quality will be followed by the increasing of repurchase intention. Accordingly, this study aims to evaluate the SMMA on PNM IM’s social media platforms to drive increased repurchase intentions for open-end mutual fund products with perceived quality as mediation and information overload as moderation.
Keywords: Social Media Marketing Activity, Repurchase Intention, Information Overload, Brand Equity