Effects Inclusive Leadership on Psychological Distress and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour : The Role of Work Engagement

Riris Arifianto


A leader is critical in decreasing the psychological stress experienced by nurses during the epidemic. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) can be enhanced by leaders. The purpose of this study was to see if inclusive leadership may lower psychological stress in nurses and if the leader can maximize employees' OCB attitudes by taking into account the role of job engagement in the workplace. The g-form questionnaire survey method was utilized in this study, with cross-sectional data collected from 288 nurses at a state hospital in Wonogiri, Central Java. SEM-PLS was used to evaluate the acquired data. The findings revealed a significant inverse link between inclusive leadership and psychological discomfort. Furthermore, inclusive leadership has a significant positive effect on OCB; thirdly, there is a significant positive relationship between work engagement and psychological distress; and finally, there is a significant positive relationship between work engagement and OCB. The study suggests that leaders be optimized by giving reciprocal acts and a sense of security in unexpected situations that result in psychological suffering, and that prevention methods be designed when unexpected events occur.

Keywords: Pandemic, inclusive leadership, psychological distress, OCB, work engagement.

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