Analysis of Macroeconomic Factors on Stock Prices In Infrastructure Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017 - 2022

Fazar Yudhistira, Mirza Hedismarlina Yuneline


This study aims to determine the influence of Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, and Inflation on Stock Prices in Infrastructure Companies listed on the IDX for the period 2017 – 2022. The research methods used are descriptive and verification methods using documentation study, data collection techniques and library research. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis test, classic assumption test, multiple linear analysis, coefficient correlation, coefficient of determination, T-test and F-test. The results of the study showed that partially Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Inflation have no significant effect on Stock Prices. Simultaneously Exchange Rates, Interest Rates, and Inflation also have no significant effect on Stock Prices. Exchange rates, interest rates, and inflation affect stock prices by 23.4%, while the remaining 76.6% is thought to be influenced by other variables not included in the study.

Keywords: exchange rate, interest rate, inflation, stock prices.

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