Factors Affecting Waqf Decision : Systematic Literature Review

Ari Setiawan, Wahyudin Wahyudin, Allam Yousuf


In this study, the authors examine the factors that influence waqf decisions. Using the Scopus and Google Scholar databases, the authors analyzed 21 published articles from 2019–2023 indexed by Scopus and sinta.kemdikbud.go.id to find out the factors that influence waqf decisions in the literature. Data were collected, reviewed, and evaluated before carrying out a systematic literature review analysis to support future research. Research findings on factors that influence waqf decisions include age, education, religiosity, attitude, subjective norms, knowledge, understanding, income, performance expectations, business expectations, crowdfunding platform facilities, social motivation, experience, trust in waqf institutions, and waqif perceptions. The factors that do not influence decisions are knowledge, employment, education, information media, the distance to the location of the waqf institution, trust in the waqf institution, fundraising strategy, and social influence. This study examines articles from the last five years, and subsequent studies can use articles from the last ten years so that they can find out the determinants of waqf decisions. This study can provide social implications for waqf stakeholders, for example, waqf institutions, waqifs, and waqf recipients, to increase waqf acceptance.

Keywords: decision, waqf, influence, waqif.

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