Factors That Affect Stock Return Of KOMPAS100 (Study Period 2017-2021)

Wanda Putri Ramadhani, Irianing Suparlinah, Sugiarto Sugiarto


This research is a quantitative study using financial data and analyze the effect of Operating Cash Flow, Investment Cash Flow, Funding Cash Flow, Accounting Profit, and Current Ratio on Stock Returns for companies listed on Kompas100 IDX for the 2017-2021 period. The population in this study are all permanent companies registered in Kompas100 for the 2017-2021 period. The research sample was taken using a purposive sampling method consisting of 65 permanent companies registered in Kompas100 for the 2017-2021 period, out of a total population of 85 companies. Data analysis used multiple regression analysis techniques on IBM SPSS Statistics version 27.0. The results of this study indicate that Operating Cash Flow, Investment Cash Flow, Funding Cash Flow, and Accounting Profit have a positive effect on Stock Return. Meanwhile Current Ratio have no effect on Stock Return. The implication of this research for companies is that they can increase operating cash flow, investment cash flow, funding cash flow, and accounting profit because it is proven to have an effect on stock returns that will make investors interested in investing. Next is the implication for investors is that it can be used as a reference and consideration before making investment decisions, especially investing in stocks. You can first look at operating cash flow, investment cash flow, funding cash flow, and accounting profit because it has been proven to have a positive effect on stock returns.


Keywords: operating cash flow, investment cash flow, funding cash flow, profit accounting, current ratio, stock return

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