Environmental Performance as Moderation of the Effect Disclosure Carbon Emissions on Company Value

Nizar Ramadhan, Hery Syaerul Homan, Septri Rizcayanta Saragih


Stakeholder responses to environmental issues received by three industrial businesses a few time ago prompted the three companies' valuations to fall. This is apparently because today's investors are concerned about the environmental effect of firms' operating activities. As a result, firms must acknowledge environmental responsibilities in their reports. The purpose of this study is to describe environmental performance indicators and their function in reducing the impact of carbon emissions disclosure on business value. A quantitative descriptive method with a causal associative approach is used in this investigation. The population is all non-financial firms registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2021, and the sample strategy employed is purposive sampling, which yielded 12 companies. The analysis technique uses descriptive and moderation regression analysis. According to the study's findings, environmental performance cannot mitigate the effect of reporting carbon emissions on corporate value. Meanwhile, as suggested by PROPER, the effect of disclosure of carbon emissions and environmental performance has a large favorable influence on business value both partially and concurrently.


Keywords: Environmental Accounting, Disclosure of Carbon Emissions, Environmental Performance, Company Value, PROPER

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