The Role of Musyarakah Financing for Micro Business Empowerment : Study at Baitul Tamwil Muhammadiyah Ulujami Branch

Deni Purwati, Osama Alhendi, Ascaryan Rafinda


Musyarakah financing is one of the sharia financing which has an important role as a provider of capital in a business or business. This study aims to find out how the role of musyarakah financing is for empowering micro-enterprises. The method used in this study is using qualitative methods. The population in this study are micro business actors who have taken musyarakah financing at Baitul Tamwil Muhammadiyah (BTM) Pemalang, Ulujami Branch. From the entire existing population, samples were taken purposively, namely micro - entrepreneurs who have been successful in their business as recipients of musyarakah financing. The type of data used in this research is primary data. Methods of data collection is done by way of in-depth interviews. Triangulation of data sources was also carried out to ensure data validity. Research is done by digging information regarding the role of BTM Ulujami in providing musyarakah financing. Where the researchers conducted interviews with informants, in this case, namely micro business actors receiving musyarakah financing. The results of this study indicate that the role of musyarakah financing in BTM is to provide business capital, intellectual development and job development.

Keywords: Musyarakah Financing, Micro Business , Business Capital

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