This study aims to gather and analyze published articles regarding the influence of electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) motivation to electronic word-of- mouth (e-WOM) Behavior. In the paper methodology of the research is literature review. The paper proposes that motivation self-enhancement and enjoyment, altruism, and economic incentives positively associated to e-WOM behavior based on positive experience and motivation venting negative feelings, altruism (negative) and economic incentives associated to e-WOM behavior based on negative experience. The study also proposes that individuals personality locus of control moderate the relationship between motivation and electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) Behavior. This study found interaction between motivation and individuals personality to articulate electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) behavior
Keywords: 1 e-WOM · 2 e-WOM Behavior · 3 Locus of Control
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