The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of competency and integrity on the employees’ performance of construction work supervisory in Banjarnegara District. This research also aimed to test the work climate as a moderating variable. The problems identified in this study were the weak performance of supervisors in the implementation of the project which resulted in a setback time for project implementation which ultimately could harm the company and also hamper services to the community.
The research method used in this study was survey research on supervisory employees using a questionnaire as a research instrument to measure the competency, integrity and performance variables of supervisory employees. The measurement scale was done with a Likert Scale from scale 1 (strongly disagree) to a scale of 5 (strongly agree). The study was conducted on 50 supervisory employees consisting of 30 regular employees at DPUPR Banjarnegara District, and 20 employees of the Consulting Services company who were contracted as field supervisors. The analytical tool used was multiple linear regression analysis with subgroups. The first group was a regression for regular employees in DPUPR Banjarnegara District, while the second group was employees of the Supervision Consultant Services company. Moderation analysis of the two regressions produced from the two groups was analyzed by moderation with the Cow Test.
The results of this study indicated the effect of competence and integrity on the performance of supervisors in the group of regular employees at DPUPR Banjarnegara District and employees of the Consultancy Services company. However, the work climate in the two groups studied did not moderate the relationship of competence and integrity with employee performance. Competence and integrity had more influence on the performance of regular employees in DPUPR Banjarnegara District than on the performance of employees of consulting service companies contracted to become supervisors.
Keywords: Competence, integrity, supervisory performance and work climate as moderation.Full Text:
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