Millennial is a potential generation for industry, yet they are quite challenging because of their critical attitude and low brand loyalty. Recently, retail stores have noticed the consumers’ shopping journey, especially the millennial generation who pay attention to the process of their shopping journey. As a low-involvement product, this type of product is more often sought by consumers in retail stores, hence consumers more often experience the low-involvement product shopping journey compared to the high-involvement products. However, there is little literature that describes millennial consumer behaviour in low-involvement products. This study aims to analyse how millennial behaviour in the searching process and confirmation of search behaviour can affect consumer output and satisfaction during the shopping trips. This research is a cross sectional study by conducting multiple regression in hypothesis analysis. The regression results indicate that the theory of disconfirmation expectations is statistically proven to occur in searching process for low-involvement products. This study found that there is an effect of disconfirmation that felt by respondents on the output of their shopping experience.
Keywords: Retail Search, Search Disconfirmation, Consumer Searching Behaviour, Millennial Generation, Millennial Searching Behaviour.
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