Mutafaqottun Fauziah, Siti Zulaikha Wulandari, Nur Choirul Afif


One of the effects of digital development in the business world is that digital marketing strategies are widely used by business actors. Nowadays, almost all methods of promotion is done with digital marketing. The promotion used is the distribution of coupons through smartphones or Mobile coupon known as m-coupon that are usually sent to cellphones via Short Message Service (SMS) or applications that provide promotions at discounted prices. In the previous study, the influence of an intention to redeem the mobile coupons is by considering benefits and risks. This study using quantitative research that focuses on the influence of the Indonesian population towards the intention to redeem mobile coupons in Indonesia by using variables: socializing, economic benefits, and trust. The analytical tool used in this study is multiple regression using SPSS.

Keywords: Sosializing, Economic benefit, Trust

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