Bernandus Ardan Rico Suyanto, Pramono Hari Adi, Lusi Suwandari


This research aims to analyze self congruity towards destination loyalty which is moderated by cultural value on visitors to Owabong tourism object. To answer the research questions and hypothesis testing this research shared questionnaires to 100 respondents. As respondents in this research, visitors of Owabong tourism objects which selected by a simple random method. The results of the research will be analyzed by regression analysis tool to determine the effect of the variables tested. The results showed that self congruity had an effect on destination loyalty and cultural value to moderate self congruity towards destination loyalty. Based on these results, Owabong tourism managers are expected to pay more attention to the self congruity factor of tourists. Future researchs are suggested to develop research variables.


Keywords: self congruity, destination loyalty, cultural value.

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