Education in Indonesia today must face the era of industrial revolution 4.0, which forces every school to implement high-quality system to produce the quality of graduates in both soft and hard skills. The curriculum of vocational high schools (SMK) is mostly practically based aiming to provide labor force with the necessary skills required by industries. School quality plays a significant role in upgrading the quality of the graduates as well as for its sustainability. One excellent method of school quality measurement, used in this study, is the Malcolm Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (MBECfPE), which is one part of the assessment criteria for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award / MBNQA. Performance measurement needs to be done to evaluate, control, budget, motivate, promote, organize, study, and improve organizational performance. Performance measurement is the process by which the organization determines the parameters of the results to be achieved by the program, investment, and acquisition carried out which impact the quality of the schools. Current school quality improvement can be seen from eight national education standards based on PP No. 19/2005 by BNSP namely content standards, process standards, competency standards, standards of educators and education personnel, standards of facilities and infrastructure, management standards, and standards of assessment, but in this research will be measured using other models. The design of the study was made using a questionnaire adapted to the MBECfPE survey, which was divided into process criteria items (criteria 1-6) and outcome criteria (rule 7). The scoring system uses the score criteria established by MBECfPE. The assessment of this item uses the Approach, Deployment, Learning, and Integration (ADLI) methods for process criteria and Level, Trend, Comparisons, Integration (LeCTI) for the outcome criteria.
Keywords: Vocational school, Quality management, Malcolm Baldrige, Rural area
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