Avia Roselina, Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, Eman Sutrisna


National Health Insurance, a public health insurance currently used in Indonesia, is created with the aim of effective and efficient quality health services for the community and providers of health facilities, but on the one hand it still has the potential to cause real costs for hospitals as found in the case of hospitalization of patients with dengue fever. Basically, dengue fever is included in the category of tropical infectious diseases and in its handling falls into the non-surgical category, but the reality in the case of this disease provides a significant negative difference for the hospital, in contrast to previous studies which state that special cases surgery gives a lot of real costs to hospitals. Details of treatment costs that can be concluded from patients admitted to the hospital until the patient returns home with the approval of the doctor in cases of dengue fever include: (1) inpatient room, (2) examination of emergency room / outpatient clinic, (3) general practitioner visits, (4 ) specialist visits, (5) drugs, (6) injection drugs, (7) intravenous fluids, (8) use of ingredients, (9) room actions, (10) laboratory examinations, and (11) administration. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The data used came from claims files and medical records of JKN-BPJS dengue fever patients in Sinar Kasih Hospital Purwokerto for the period of January 1, 2019 until March 30, 2019. The sampling technique uses total sampling, with 60 subjects after going through the exclusion process. All data were observed and recorded on the observation sheet, then analysed data using descriptive statistical analysis. The results of the study explain that the biggest cause of over cost in this case is hospitalization and laboratory examination.


Keywords: cost of quality, hidden cost, national health insurance, inpatient, dengue fever.

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