This study aims to examine the role of personality on role conflict based on the underlying role theory, namely testing the role of locus of control as a moderating effect of work-family conflict on work stress. The researcher proposed the hypothesis that locus of control weakened the effect of work-family conflict on work stress. The research sample consisted of 100 ASN Ministry of Health Staffing Bureau. The data taken is primary data collected by distributing questionnaires to respondents with the purposive sampling method. The results showed that work-family conflict against work stress (model 1 = sig <0.05 and unstandardized B 1,101, model 2 = sig <0.05 and Unstandardized B 1.147), and locus of control weakened the effect of work-family conflict on work stress (internal locus of control sig <0.05 and unstandardized B-019), external locus of control sig <0.05 and Unstandardized B -0.024). The practical implication of this research is that it can give a view to the leaders in the Ministry of Health's Civil Service Bureau about the effect of work-family conflict on the stress level of the ASN so that it can be considered by the leadership to reduce that influence.
Keywords: work-family conflict, work stress, locus of control.
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