One of the key success factors in improving the quality performance of healthcare services is through organizational performance which begins with patient satisfaction in the hospital. To produce a quality management mechanism for good healthcare services, the hospital needs to apply an effective measurement method in order that can analyze and find dimension quality of performance which is needed to be fixed or improved in increasing the healthcare services. Measurement of quality performance in the hospital will always be associated with three main factors among others are objective, size, and assessment. To achieve the objective, it needs a clear and good measurement as a standard for each individual who plays a role in the organization. To ensure the organization of hospital is carried out with good quality performance, one of them can measure with all activities comprehensively through a collection of quality criteria which is referred as Malcolm Baldrige criteria which consist of a set of questions grouped into 7 criteria to assess the performance of healthcare service organization. This research used analytical observational study with cross-sectional approach which aims to see between the variables. The number of respondent in this study was taken using random sampling of 30 respondents which consist of structural and functional officers including the employees, and nurses at RSGM UNSOED. This study was carried out by using questionnaire with the measurement on the questionnaire using five-point Likert Scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Data analysis using regression analysis. From the results of the research, conclusions, criteria, Malcolm, Baldrige, which proved positive and significant towards RSGM performance were Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer Focus, Workface focus, and lResulth. Hypothesis accepted. Variables measurement, analysis and knowledge management, and the focus of operations did not prove significant and negatively affected the support of RSGM performance. The hypothesis is rejected.
Keyword: Malcolm Baldrige, Quality Performance, Healthcare Services, Hospital Quality
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