Kustanto Nugroho, Wahyu Siswandari


Remuneration is a return on services whose benefits are received by employees in the form of components to reward their performance. For this purpose in implementing a decent and fair remuneration system, it is necessary to develop a performance-based remuneration distribution system. This study discusses the need for Cilacap Hospital to have good remuneration and can be an option to resolve the financial well-being of employees who are inadequate so that they can improve employee performance in particular and service quality in general. The results obtained illustrate that currently the remuneration indicators are based on the type of staffing, education, years of service and work location. The grouping of remuneration distribution is divided into 5 groups namely Structural, Medical Personnel, Nursing Personnel, Medical Support Personnel and Administrative Staff. Each group has a way to determine the amount of remuneration calculation. This has led to employee dissatisfaction with the current remuneration sharing method. While the development of the remuneration model that can be done by Cilacap Hospital is based on the performance of each employee in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. Performance is the result of employee job duties, professionalism and quality of services provided. Comprehensive evaluation of the remuneration system by forming a team that is given the authority to provide input and formulate an accurate and appropriate remuneration system by taking into account proportionality, equality, propriety, performance and principles of pay for position, pay for performance, pay for people. This research is qualitative research with descriptive analytic design. Data collection is based on the results of in-depth interviews with employees in Cilacap Hospital.


Keywords: remuneration, employee performance

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