The Basic Health Research Data showed that the Indonesian population with dental and oral problems was 25.9% and only around 31.1% received dental and oral care while 68.9% don’t received dental and oral care. The Australian Research Center for Population Oral Health states that people avoid visiting dentists have a higher level of anxiety due to pain, shame, not knowing what to do with him, injections and costs of dental care. Anxiety in dental procedures is ranked fourth among the types of common fears. Dental procedures always show conditions that are stressful for the patient. Increased excessive anxiety worsens pain and even increases the perception of pain without being a stimulus with pain. Communication, patience and empathy are needed in dealing with anxiety and pain control. This will build maximum care and increase patient satisfaction in receiving care. Patient satisfaction is an important aspect in evaluating the quality of services and is needed in the process of improving services in health institutions. The measure of patient satisfaction in receiving dental care can provide useful information in understanding and predicting patient behavior for the provision of dental services. There is a journal about the attitude of self-reporting by dental clinic students related to anxiety management and pain management performed. However, it has not been assessed from the point of view of patient satisfaction, therefore this study aims to analyze the relationship of anxiety management and pain management to patient satisfaction Methods: This research’s type is quantitative research with a survey method using a questionnaire. The subjects of the study were a male and female adult patient who would receive dental extraction treatment at UNSOED Dental Education Hospital by clinical dental students at the integration unit. A list of questions related to management of anxiety and pain is quoted through journals that show the dimensions of the doctor's behavior in dealing with anxiety and pain during dental treatment. The level of patient satisfaction was measured with Likert scale with dimensions of Very Dissatisfied (VD), Dissatisfied (D), Quite Satisfied (QS), Satisfied (S), Very Satisfied (VS).
Keywords: Anxiety Management, Pain Management, Patient Satisfaction, Quality of Service, Dental Clinic Student
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