Nur Imam Saifuloh, Suharno Suharno, Abdul Aziz Ahmad


The phenomenon of poverty in rural areas shows a higher rate than poverty in urban areas. The government seeks to overcome this by opening opportunities to work between regions and between countries. This is done in order to increase the income of the population in rural areas which are dominated by the agricultural sector. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the number of people who work according to the location (between regions and between countries) and poverty in rural areas by using time series data of Wonosobo Regency between 2008 - 2018. Based on the results of research and data analysis, it was found that: First, the number of Inter-Regional Inter-Indonesian Workers (TKI-AKAD) had a negative and significant effect on rural poverty; Second, the number of Inter-Indonesian Inter-Labor Workers (TKI-AKAN) has a negative and significant effect on rural poverty; Third, the agricultural sector is no longer the main occupation of rural communities in line with the increasing number of people working outside their area; Fourth, the population working outside the area is dominated by residents who work in the informal sector. The implication of the above conclusion is to be able to reduce poverty so that the number of people working outside their regions both inside and outside the country must be increased. Increasing the qualifications of the rural population needs to be adjusted to the needs of the non-agricultural sector. This is so that residents who work outside the area can occupy strategic positions and increase the number of people working in the formal sector.

Keyword: 1 Employment  2 Agriculture sector  3 Non-agriculture sector  4 Rural

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