Esti Winarni, Abdul Aziz Ahmad, Suharno Suharno


The momentum of economic growth needs to be maintained to improve people's welfare in alleviating poverty, and reducing unemployment rate can be accelerated. Following the mandate of the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN 2010-2014) and the annual Government Work Plan (RKP), development planning at the central government and at the local government needs to be implemented through four strategic lines, development (pro-growth), employment opportunities (pre-employment), pro-poor and pro-environment conservation. The preparation of the Government Work Plan begins with the activities of the Development Planning Consultation (Musrenbang).

Musrenbang is conducted every year before the next year's budget is made. Before the Musrenbang at the district/city level was held, it first began with musrenbang at the village level and then the sub-district level. A successful Musrenbang will build an understanding of the interests and progress of the community, by photographing the potential that exists and collecting data and information about development resources that are not available.

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the process, community participation, as well as the inhibiting and driving factors in the Musrenbang activities in Purbalingga Regency. The research method used is descriptive research using qualitative, using an interactive model of qualitative data analysis. The results of the study prove that community participation in the Musrenbang in Purbalingga Regency is active. In this phenomenon, there is a synergy between the government and the community in development planning activities in Purbalingga Regency.


Keywords: Regional Development, Community Participation, Development Planning, Musrenbang, Portrait of Potential Development.

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