Poverty is a complex problem faced by all countries in the world, including Indonesia. Poverty may trigger other social problems hindering the development process of a country. The government has done many ways to eradicate poverty, one of which through government expenditure for education and health at every province in Indonesia. Poverty is strongly related with health and education, because one of its causes is the minimum access to health and education. The main problems causing the low level of health among people in poverty are poor access towards basic health service and poor quality of basic health service, which is caused by limited health facilities such as health center and hospital. Furthermore, people in poverty have hoped that education will increase their living standard. The problems they faced are poor access towards educational service and poor quality of educational service. There is disparity among provinces on how poverty is handled, and it is interesting to analyze whether it is an indication of the existence of access towards health and education or not. This research’s goal is to analyze the effect of health and educational facilities on poverty at 33 provinces in Indonesia for the period of 2012-2016. The dependent variable used in this research is the percentage of people in poverty. The independent variables used as health proxy are health center and hospital. The independent variable used as education proxy is the number of elementary school. The method used in this research is panel regression. It can be concluded that health facility negatively affects poverty, which means that the higher the number of health facilities, the lower the percentage of people in poverty at 33 provinces in Indonesia. However, the number of grade school as an education proxy does not affect the percentage of people in poverty at 33 provinces in Indonesia.
Keyword : Poverty, Health Facility, Education Facility, Health Center, Hospital.
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