The aims of this research were to determine the effect of the environment on consumer satisfaction and consumer loyalty, to determine the effect of customer satisfaction on loyalty, and to determine the role of consumer satisfaction in mediating the influence of the service environment on consumer loyalty. This research was conducted on restaurants consumers in Purwokerto. The sample size was 150 respondents.
Data analysis techniques were carried out by path analysis in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS software version 22. Mediation analysis between research variables was carried out by sobel t test with the help of online Sobel calc. The service environment was measured by environmental indicators, interior and exterior design and social dimensions of each with two questionnaire items. Variable customer satisfaction was measured by indicators of overall satisfaction with the company that the company always meets consumer expectations, interesting experiences and never forgets the company. Loyalty was measured by indicators namely always using their products / services, willing to make repeat purchases and recommend to other consumers. Consumer satisfaction and consumer loyalty each were determined by one item questionnaire per indicator.
The results of data analysis with AMOS SEM showed that the service environment had a positive effect on customer satisfaction, the service environment influenced consumer loyalty. Consumer satisfaction had a positive effect on consumer loyalty and customer satisfaction mediated the influence of the service environment on consumer loyalty. So the existence of customer satisfaction was an important variable to realize loyal consumers. Future research can be done by adding moderation variables. The moderation variable that can be added in research at restaurants is meal time, which is lunch and dinner. Other moderation variables that can be added are demographic variables. Future research can also add moderation variables in the form of traditional or modern restaurants.
Keywords: Satisfaction as mediation, Service Quality, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction
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