The global market competition is getting intense, as well as the automotive industry in Indonesia, that has been predicted will grow positively in 2019. Today, Chinese car manufacturers flock to market their products in Indonesia. Previously, consumer’s perception about Chinese automotive products were considered as low quality inexpensive products, but now the trend is shifting. Country image become one of the important things for consumer to evaluate the quality of products. In the middle of 2018 DFSK (DongFengSokon), one of Chinese car manufacturer launched their SUV product, DFSK Glory 580. In conjunction with the launch of their new product, DFSK also took Agnez Monica as the celebrity endorser to promote their products. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of country image (cognitive and affective) toward product image and purchase intention. And also investigate the success driver of marketing strategy by using celebrity endorser on purchase intention of DFSK Glory 580. There are 211 respondents lived in Jakarta and surround areas that participated in this survey. The data processed with Structural Equation Modeling through AMOS 22 software. The study shows both two components of country image; cognitive and affective has significant impact to product image, and also product image to purchase intention. And there are three out of four endorser’s success driver that has significant impact to purchase intention of DFSK Glory 580, they are; attitude toward brand, familiarity of the brand, and brand fit of the endorser and the brand.
Keywords: Country image, cognitive country image, affective country image, celebrity endorser, purchase intentionFull Text:
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