Rizqa Sulaiman Wibisono, Agung Praptapa, Triani Arofah


Indonesia has a large amount of unemployment, and this issue needs to be solved. Enhancing the business performance of the entrepreneur is one of the solutions to solve the issue of unemployment. Tangan Di Atas Community is a business community focus on empowering SMEs on business skills and as a business mentor for their members.

This paper aims to understand the effect of entrepreneurial skill, accounting literacy, mentoring based on e-learning, and self-efficacy on the business performance of SMEs. Goal setting theory is used as the grand theory to analyze the issue as a belief that every performance will increase if there is a specific goal. This paper using multiple regression and analyze 67 data samples from a total of 175 population.

The result is quite interesting to be discussed. The entrepreneurial skill has no significant effect on business performance, while others positively affect business performance.

Keywords: SMEs, Business Performance, Goal Setting Theory, Entrepreneurship, Self-efficacy, Accounting literacy, Entrepreneurial Skill, Business Mentoring, E-learning

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