Abstract. Public health organization is a kind of health services for both an individual and public which focused on promotive and preventive effort to reach a maximum degree of healthy in a certain area. There are minimum requirements of public health organizations are allow to operate. One of requirements is how many human resource needed to work inside either health or non health personnel. The number of human resource in every public health organization as input are compared by the outputs such as the number of patient visits, diarrhea cases and dengue fever cases handled by the public health organization. The comparation between input and output is called efficiency. In 2018, Sleman, known as one regency of Yogyakarta Province, has 25 public health organizations which is held hospitalization and unheld hospitalization service. There are 15 public health organization doesn’t held hospitalization and the rest are held hospitalization services. This research is focused in only public health services that doesn’t held hospitalization service. The aim of this research is to find efficiency score in every public health services. To find this score, this research used Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and every public health organizations are involved as Decision Making Unit (DMU). After processed using DEA, a score will be generated. The score is divided into two parts, one and below one, which shows the efficiency of every public health organization. The public health organization which has score one, means efficient, while the public health organization which has score below one, means inefficient. Every public health organization that has inefficient score always has their own benchmarks. The benchmarks are choosen from the public health services which is efficient. Due to the result, there are only 6 public health organizations (40%) states efficient such as Depok II, Depok III, Gamping I, Gamping II, Mlati I, and Moyudan while the rest of 9 public health organizations (60%) states inefficient such as Cangkringan, Depok I, Godean II, Ngaglik I, Ngaglik II, Ngemplak II, Pakem, Prambanan and Tempel II.
Keywords: Data envelopment analysis, decision making unit, efficiency, human resource.
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