Achmad Muhaimin Aziz, Adityas Widjajarto, Avon Budiyono


Abstract. At present all business activities are bound to contracts or agreements. A written contract has several weaknesses, the contract can be lost and damaged, it is not cost effective and one party can commit fraud. The solution for that is to use the smart contract Ethereum. Smart contract Ethereum is a computer protocol that functions to facilitate, verify, or enforce digital negotiations written through the program code. Smart contract works without going through a third party and has a credible transaction process so that it cannot be tracked or changed. But Blockchain technology is not suitable for storing large amounts of data and expensive costs, the authors combine IPFS technology on Ethereum Blockchain. So the Ethereum Blockchain only stores the hash of the file, then the hash of this file can be connected to the file on IPFS to access it. In this study a web-based DApp (Decentralized applications) system was built that implemented IPFS on the smart contract Ethereum. The final result of this study is a discussion of data integrity and Quality of Service (QoS) communication between IPFS nodes on the smart contract Ethereum as a reference for implementation of the company. With the results of the implementation it  was found that the data integrity possessed by IPFS was very good by fulfilling aspects of information security and having Quality of Service with average throughput values of

56.41 Kbps, 65.81 Kbps and 79.68 Kbps, for average packet loss values of 1.92%, 1.58% and 1.06%, while the average value of delay is 24.79 ms, 25.87 ms and 17.30 ms with the average value of the Quality of Service index which is 3 which meets the "Satisfying" category based on THIPON standards.

Keywords: Blockchain, Smart Contract Ethereum, IPFS, Data Integrity, Quality of  Service (QoS)

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